Saturday, April 2, 2011

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bizzow Has Launched!!

Go to to create your member profile today.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The View at Night

This was taken at night after a hard day at the office. I was in the backseat hanging on for dear life as Emi was driving. Another trip survived being transported back to my apartment where it is safe and sound.

I can hardly wait to get home so I can enjoy my Pizza Hut Pan Pizza, the closest thing I have found to American food as of yet.

Well, I won't be eating there very often. (sad face) I checked the bank charge to see how much a Medium Pizza and 12 oz. can of Pepsi Light cost me... and low and behold....
12-29 FOREIGN FEE $ 11.64

It was very delicious, until I found out how much it really cost me. (Total of $35.75)


Here is the view as I walk thru the park to get to the McDonald's and the little food market. The advertising here is huge, and I literally mean huge. Behind those huge banners are all these little shops or boutiques, here they call them magazines. Very hard to find my size clothes in any of these stores.

The shopping center is very crowded. It is about 6 floors of shops, and a couple of cafe places where you can have something to drink and of course they smoke there also.

If I cross at the far left of the park you can see even more of the shopping places. Everywhere you look it seems something is krammed into every nook and cranny. As you can see the traffic is just jammin.

Well, I am going to eat at KFC for lunch today. You know the big adventurer in me say go for it.

Oh boy. I think everyone in Bucharest had the same idea as me, gettin some chicken. I waited in line 45 minutes. That is how many people wanted some fried chicken. I guess they haven't caught to the slogan if there is more than 3 in line open a new register. Ha Ha Ha.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Let It Snow, let it snow, let it snow

Tuesday, Decemeber 26, 2006

It is snowing. Brrrrrrrr. It is very beautiful though. I watch it fall to the ground. The flakes are so light I am just amazed at how these tiny flakes land on the ground and collectively make snow.

It's 9:45 am and the sun just poked its rays thru the clouds and the flakes are gone. Not used to the sound of shovels scraping along the sidewalk, and plows clearing the roads. The people here are very used to this weather. The children were playing soccer on the sidewalk with an empty 2,5 liter as the ball. I watched from the balcony for only a few minutes, the cold gets your nose frosty very fast.

Ahhhh. Coffee to warm me up from the inside out. Mmmmmmmm. I need to get back to work. Emi and Denisa come home today from their trip to Italy.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Yoke of the Matter

Here are what the eggs look like in Romania.

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I am eager to view the site on the testing server. I hope it is updated. I am working on the My Business Section. I have designed the Virtual Rolodex, and I am quite pleased with the way it looks.

I also need to work on the Auto Page of the RSS Feeds. Right now I am doing most of the page design. It works best for me right now.

I figure if I keep busy, it will make my time here go by faster. I am really starting to miss American Food. A nice juicy New York steak with some steamed broccoli and a small dinner salad with Ranch Dressing, oh boy that sounds delicious. I know what I am going to do first thing when I get back to the US! Now I just need to find out who's buying? LOL any takers?

I wish it was February 6th, that would mean I get a steak dinner when I get off the plane. Mmmmmm I can hardly wait, as I lick my lips...... Snap out of it!! Come back to Romania . . .